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Understanding the Connected TV Opportunity: A Guide for Advertisers


Connected TVs are becoming so embedded in our daily lives that it can be easy to forget just how extraordinary their impact has already been.

On-demand viewing has become the norm, binge watching has grown into a global pastime. While at one time there was a focus on channels and schedules, today consumers think in terms of platforms and personal choice.

All of which means a new and significant emerging opportunity for brands, 随着央视的成熟, 把它的狂野西部时期留在了过去.


The precise definition of what counts as a "connected TV" (CTV) has undergone several evolutions, but generally serves as a useful umbrella term that gathers smart TVs, 流媒体设备,如Roku或亚马逊的fireTV, 越来越多的视频游戏机连接到屏幕上.

And so it is that we find ourselves in an era where viewers choose their own content in their own time, 通过一个连接到互联网的设备. That is something that provides an unmissable opportunity for brands and advertisers–and at Cognitiv we’ve seen that the savviest of them are already enthusiastically embracing CTV’s potential.

例如,在 2023 the amount of money US advertisers spend on digital video programmatically will surpass traditional linear TV spend for the first time. 显然,CTV在很大程度上推动了这一增长. 仅今年一年, CTV will account for around 20% of programmatic video ad spending, or around $15 billion. 其中一半以上将通过编程进行交易. 同时, 60% of US marketers have said that they were shifting budget from linear to CTV.

Something is clearly happening around CTV, which begs a question...


简单地说, CTV提供了溢价, extremely brand-safe environment where the audience’s freedom to choose their own content means they are deeply engaged. At the same time–at least from the viewer perspective–the ads seen take the form of a familiar, 值得信赖的格式.

The founding potential of CTV for brands is that it brings a vast audience scale, at a time when elsewhere there are less and less opportunities to capture the attention of your intended audience. We’re also seeing a shift in how people expect to "pay" for TV content, 这确实说明了这一点 Netflix recently announced during their earnings call that they were going to consider an ad-supported tier.

But the more specific opportunity is that those looking to embrace the CTV opportunity now have programmatic as a way to really deliver ads that have their intended impact with the right kind of audience. 简单地说, programmatic in a CTV context allows you to serve highly contextually relevant ads, while letting you target users who are particularly likely to be engaged by a given brand, 产品, 或运动.


CTV, 然而, 还是一个新空间吗, and as an industry marketers are having to rethink how they understand and track engagement and impact. Established 不ions like cost-per-completed-view or completion rates are 不 very fruitful when applied outside of a web environment.

Consider that around 90% of people have a smartphone in their hand when they're watching television, 例如, while over 60% of them will search for a brand that they've seen on an ad. 这对品牌来说是个好消息. 问题是,营销人员如何将这些点连接起来? 事实证明,这对营销人员来说极其困难.

How do you deterministically measure whether somebody exposed to that ad then went online and took an action? 在Cognitiv, we have a device graph that maps over 300 million CTV devices in the US to an anonymous, 个人在线标识符. For marketers this means being able to measure how impactful your CTV ads are, 哪些观众在回应. Furthermore, our device graph approach allows for measurable creative experimentation. Combining these powerful data signals with the power of deep learning algorithms allows for true performance marketing.

Deep learning’s ability to identify complex patterns in huge data sets allows our advertisers to then find other people who display similar patterns in behavior and are likely to convert or respond to that same ad in a similarly positive way. Deep learning also endows that process with remarkable accuracy and efficiency, meaning delivering relevant ads to the right consumers in the vast, CTV提供不同人口统计的观众.

所有这些都可以通过传统的视频广告内容来实现, meaning there’s no need to wrangle with new formats or the process of building bespoke content.

真正的问题是,你为什么要 转而拥抱巨大的CTV商机?

[编者注:这是来自 Cognitiv. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

TV Audience Targeting Must Reflect the Dynamics and Speed of Consumer Behavior

With Disney and Netflix becoming the latest providers to succumb to the inevitable commercial realities of the subscription-only TV business model, what does this mean for both customer experience and advertising effectiveness?


在一天结束的时候, the goal in having publishers extend their content offerings to the CTV medium is to prime themselves for the future—to continue to grow their audience and diversify their content in a way that will have impact, 和共鸣. 现在是迈出这一步的时候了.