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W欢迎来到2020年流媒体50周年, 我们的年度最重要名单, 最有创意的, 以及在线视频领域最有趣的公司. 这是我们第三年将榜单限制在50家公司, 因为随着在线视频行业的不断发展, it’s more important than ever that this annual list highlights both the veterans whose staying power remains strong and the startups that we think have what it takes to stick around for the long haul.

在我们开始列表之前, 一些限定条件:像往常一样, 我们几乎只关注技术供应商, 而不是内容公司. This list has always been about recognizing the companies that enable video services to deliver great content to consumers reliably at the highest possible quality on every device and hopefully to make money from it.

Once again, this year, 我们占领了视频制作市场, 欧洲杯在哪投注app最新版下载报道的那个, 并给出了自己的列表. 我们出版了 2020欧洲杯在哪投注app最新版下载25在四月/五月的问题.

Also, the 流媒体 50 focuses exclusively on companies with headquarters in North America. 今年晚些时候, 我们将公布一份类似的名单, 流媒体欧洲101, 专注于有总部的公司 
in Europe.

那么我们怎么得到这个列表呢? We ask our regular contributors to look at a master list of all of the vendors in the online video marketplace and rank them on a scale of one (doesn’t belong in the 流媒体 50 at all) to five (no list of the most important companies would be complete without it). 前50名榜上有名. Simple, right? 我们的流媒体评委可能不同意.

话不多说,以下是2020年流媒体50强. 祝贺大家.


Tom leighton,联合创始人兼首席执行官

它是原创的内容传递网络, 你可以认为这是原始的边缘网络. And even if video has become table stakes while the company has emphasized its focus on security and business continuity, its stable of engineers continues to push the envelope when it comes to advances in video delivery.



当你想到云视频时,你可能会想到AWS. 当你想到编码和转码, AWS Elemental肯定是人们最先想到的公司之一. AWS Elemental也一直在制造最先进的硬件, 包括新的链接, 一种用于实时视频传输的遥控装置.



我们没有把重点放在内容上,这是件好事, 因为虽然AppleTV+并没有完全失败, 它并没有撼动OTT领域. And although it’s been a while since Apple has introduced a consumer device that’s blown anybody’s minds, 幕后故事, 该公司仍然是流媒体行业变革的最大推动力之一. But on the tech side, where Apple leads, other follow, even if they’re not always happy about it. 当苹果推出低延迟HLS时, 内容公司和其他技术提供商别无选择,只能开始使用它. 


Sharon carmel,创始人兼首席执行官

Beamr是遵循韦恩·格雷茨基(Wayne Gretzky)著名格言的公司的完美例子, “朝着冰球的方向滑, 而不是它一直在的地方.“作为最早拥抱HEVC的编码公司之一, Beamr got out ahead of the game and continues to innovate with big-name customers like Netflix.


Stefan lederer,联合创始人兼首席执行官

自2012年在奥地利成立以来, Bitmovin在地域上进行了扩张——将总部迁至美国.S.—and technologically—moving from a clear focus on encoding to providing player and analytics products as well. 在此过程中,它获得了富博电视(fuboTV)、BBC和netflix等知名客户.



After a bit of a bumpy first half of 2019 with its acquisition and integration of Ooyala, Brightcove充满活力地咆哮着进入2020年, refocused, 恢复活力,. OG OVP现在是为数不多的幸存的在线视频平台之一, 它仍然是市场的领导者, 重点是盈利, marketing, 以及企业通信.


Christopher levy,创始人兼首席执行官

说到OGs, BuyDRM has been providing digital rights management since around the turn of the century. In 2019, 该公司提供了超过100亿个数字版权管理许可证, and in 2020, 它透露,它是奥斯卡投票筛选平台的核心合作伙伴. 你不能得到更多 



CenturyLink and Level 3 Communications (which the former acquired 3 years ago) form a telco-CDN powerhouse, but it’s still the company’s Vyvx Cloud Connect—which connects studios and venues to Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud—that brings it back to the 流媒体 50 year after year. 



No major company is doing more to advance the quality, reliability, and effectiveness of online  视频广告架起了广播和数字广告之间的桥梁. Its comprehensive CTSuite is a soup-to-nuts collection of digital entertainment services for advertisers, broadcasters, OTT  services, MVPDs, and operators, and its list of technology and channel partners is a who’s who  流光溢彩.



拥有专有的传感器技术, 这是目前嵌入在30亿个流媒体视频应用程序和分析1.每天5万亿笔交易, Conviva offers more data-driven insight into the state of streaming video than anyone else. Its quarterly “State of Streaming” reports are required reading for anyone who wants to better understand what’s going on in the networks, 尤其是在视频广告方面.



DaCast’s customer roster might not boast the biggest names in the business (although eBay and The Weather Channel are nothing to sneeze at), but it’s precisely the company’s commitment to small and medium business that has made it a 流媒体 50 mainstay.


Rich mavrogeanes,总裁兼首席执行官

由Rich Mavrogeanes于2008年创立, 最早的流媒体视频创新者之一, DiscoverVideo就是这样一个小引擎, 与硬件, software, 以及为教育服务的视频管理平台(DEVOS), corporate, healthcare, 政府市场.


KEVIN J. 伊曼,总裁兼首席执行官

Dolby is the David Bowie of streaming tech companies, focusing equally on sound and vision. 杜比视界提供最先进的高动态范围, while Dolby Atmos offers immersive sonics no matter what device you’re viewing and listening on. 别忘了它的云媒体处理部门Hybrik.



DVEO不会把钱浪费在浮华的营销活动上. (他们在贸易展览会上穿的夏威夷衬衫——别忘了贸易展览?—can’t cost that much.) Instead, 他们把所有的投资都投入到尖端技术上, 用于编码的健壮的流硬件, backhaul, streaming, and more. 


gregory heil,创始人兼首席执行官

第一个云编码和转码服务仍然是市场的领导者. 它的客户, 比如时代华纳, UFC, 和发现, 它的服务范围很广, features, 而合作伙伴的整合可能会让它长期处于这种地位, long time.


David eisenbacher,联合创始人兼首席执行官

EZDRM的DRM即服务的目标是使DRM过程更容易. 它涵盖了所有的base - dash /CENC, PlayReady, Widevine, 和fairplay——无论是独立的还是多DRM解决方案(称为Universal DRM). 


Artur bergman,创始人,首席建筑师, 

在推动边缘计算事业方面,没有哪个CDN比Fastly做得更多. 将其与出色的客户服务和独特的数据洞察方法相结合, 你有一个(相对)小的CDN玩家和大的, big upsides.



A first-time entrant to the 流媒体 50, Firstlight媒体 bought Quickplay earlier this year; bolstered its executive team with veterans from Disney, Comcast, and NeuLion; and is pushing the boundaries of OTT personalization and time to market.



Google has its fingers in almost as many segments of the streaming world as does Amazon, 还有一些亚马逊没有——也就是, 用户生成内容(通过YouTube)和广告. And now 谷歌将Google Meet作为一个更好的选择 to Zoom.



The 流媒体 100 is back—welcome once again to 流媒体's annual list that foregrounds the industry's 最有创意的 and influential technology suppliers, 服务提供商, platforms, 以及媒体和内容公司, 正如我们的编辑团队所赞誉的那样. 其中一些是大型和成熟的行业标准承担者, while others are comparably small and relatively new arrivals that are just beginning to make a splash. All set themselves apart from the crowd with their innovative approach and their contribution to the expansion and maturation of the streaming media universe.


欢迎来到2022年流媒体50年, our annual list that foregrounds the industry's 最有创意的 and influential technology suppliers, 服务提供商, 和平台, 正如我们的编辑团队所赞誉的那样. 其中一些是大型和成熟的行业标准承担者, while others are comparably small and relatively new arrivals that are just beginning to make a splash. All set themselves apart from the crowd with their innovative approach and their commitment to serve the customer and advance the industry. 这是我们第五年将榜单限制在50家公司.


我们的年度流媒体50总结了最重要的, 最有趣的, 以及最具创新性的在线视频解决方案提供商. You'll find names both familiar and unfamiliar here, as newer entrants join market veterans. 那么是谁上榜了呢? Read on ...


我想确保你的公司被列入我们的年度最重要公司名单, innovative, 以及在线视频领域有趣的公司? 继续读下去,并在8月27日前提交你的提名.


我们的流媒体专家小组发表了讲话, and these are the 50 companies doing the most important and innovative work in online video today.

The 2019 流媒体 50: The 50 Companies That Matter Most in Online Video in 2019

我们的独家行业定义榜单于2019年回归. 以下是每个流媒体读者都必须知道的50家公司, 那些引领我们走向未来的人. These are the most important, innovative, and interesting companies in the online video universe.


Presenting our 2018 list of the 50 companies doing the 最有趣的 and innovative work in streaming video. We're shining a spotlight on the companies that enable the creation and delivery of today's video revolution.

The 2018 流媒体 50: The 50 Companies That Matter Most in Online Video in 2018

2018年,我们的行业定义榜单采用了一种略微不同的格式. 以下是在线视频行业最重要的50家公司, 那些引领我们走向未来的人. 现在把它列入名单是一个更大的挑战,因为它应该是.
