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Colleges, universities, and schools across the U.S. 分享数百万美元的纳米技术仪器来培训使用流媒体的未来高科技工人吗. 的 National Science Foundation estimates that six million nanotechnology workers will be needed worldwide by 2020. Two million of those workers will be needed in the United States alone. 的 Remotely Accessible Instruments for Nanotechnology (RAIN) network 在提供一种经过验证的方法来传播必要的教育,以培训学生掌握美国经济持续增长所需的工具集和技术方面处于领先地位.S. 纳米技术领域.


For 工程师 and scientists, nanotechnology is likely a familiar term. 对于外行人来说,这可能有点令人困惑. 的 nanometer is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one billionth of a meter (0.000000001 m). 简而言之, 纳米技术处理制造, 分析, and production of very small structures in electronics, 生物技术, 医学, 以及数不清的消费品. Nanotechnology is impacting nearly every market sector. 例如, 英特尔的第七代英特尔酷睿i7微处理器的特征尺寸为14纳米,基于半导体. 的 capability to create useful features at this size scale permits the 1.5 billion transistors to be fabricated on a silicon substrate. Without applied nanotechnology there would be no smartphones, 没有笔记本电脑或平板电脑, and certainly no mobile streaming capability available in the handheld devices we all use today. As important as nanotechnology is to the electronics sector, it may be even more life-changing in the areas of 医学 and common consumer goods. Nanotechnology is the common denominator in solar panels, new 医学s for the treatment and possible cure of cancer, 化妆品, 永远不需要清洗的衣服, and the protective coatings on both your eyeglasses and the wheels of your new car.


国家纳米技术倡议(NNI) 成立于2000年,当时是美国.S. 政府研发计划涉及20个联邦部门和众多独立合作伙伴的纳米技术相关活动. 更多信息请访问Nano.政府. 的 2017 Federal Budget has allocated more than $1.4 billion for the 国家纳米技术倡议(NNI) programs. 的 total NNI investment since fiscal year 2001, 包括2017年的请求, 现在接近240亿美元. 纳米技术代表的应用将在全球范围内引发工业和技术革命,改变我们在这个星球上的生活方式. 人们经常说,不接受纳米技术的国家可能是未来经济失败的不幸受害者. RAIN is preparing our future workers for great jobs in a growing market segment.


RAIN在其使命声明中明确概述了其目标:“RAIN计划吸引下一代STEM劳动力(技术人员), 技术人员, 工程师, 教育工作者和科学家)在他们的日常课堂上与正在进行前沿研究的机构实验室的专家和工具建立联系. 的 need for this program is particularly the case for underrepresented and minority learners, and institutions that can’t provide ready access to specialized facilities, 工具, and expertise required for the study of nanoscale science, 这就是为什么大多数中心(e.g. Penn State, CNEU) offer this service free of charge.”

RAIN网络始于宾夕法尼亚州立大学,目前由纳米技术传道者Robert Ehrmann领导. 他在为最初的项目和网络正在经历的持续增长提供领导方面发挥了重要作用. 在大学纳米技术教授和研究生的协助下,他们的许多工具可以从世界各地的教育机构远程访问. Dr. Ozgur Cakmak负责宾夕法尼亚州立大学的日常运营和联系,甚至还与他在土耳其的高中母校进行了远程会议.

我第一次接触RAIN网络是作为宾夕法尼亚州立大学纳米技术教育与利用中心(CNEU)举办的“纳米技术实践入门研讨会”的与会者.  的re I saw a scanning electron microscope (SEM), 原子力显微镜(AFM), 以及其他工具,这些工具可以联网,并由远程站点的学生使用随时可用的远程共享和流媒体软件进行控制. I subsequently became a member of the newly created Nanotechnology department at 伊利社区学院. 我们第一个可以远程访问的仪器也是一台扫描电子显微镜,由我们的技术员里奇·希尔操作. He regularly conducts remote sessions with students and teachers across several states. With an internet connection and a small software installation, students at remote sites can take control of our SEM to view biological samples, 半导体电路, and perform elemental 分析 of samples at thousands of times magnification. 的 students have full two-way voice communication and are guided through the session by our technician. 这些会议提供了一个巨大的机会,让学生接触到他们的学校可能负担不起也没有专业知识来操作的技术. We provide a unique opportunity to engage students and show them the possibilities of nanotechnology careers.

Currently there are 10 sites in the RAIN network, with more sites in the continental United States coming online in the near future. 每个合作站点至少有一个可远程访问的仪器,一半以上的站点有4到6个仪器可用于远程连接.

的 current partners include the following schools:

  • 亚利桑那州立大学(ASU)坦佩,亚利桑那州
  • 奥克顿社区学院-斯科基,伊利诺伊州
  • 伊利社区学院 (ECC) - Williamsville, NY
  • 帕萨迪纳城市学院(PCC) -帕萨迪纳,加利福尼亚州
  • Forsyth Tech Community College - Winston-Salem, NC
  • Pennsylvania State University - State College, PA
  • Northcentral Technical College (NTC) - Wausau, WI
  • Salt Lake Community College  - Salt Lake City, UT
  • 北西雅图学院(NSC) -西雅图,华盛顿州
  • University of Texas at San Antonio - San Antonio, TX

远程会议是通过在线表格请求和安排的,任何合作站点都可以从该国的任何地方请求. 通常为第一次请求安排一个测试会话,以确保远程站点已正确安装视频会议软件. Depending on the instrument and the partner site requested, 远程站点将需要安装其中一个 团队查看器 or 变焦. Both are free to download and use for the remote site. 可以使用内部样品, or the remote site can send in samples they wish to view to the host site. Live sessions are then conductedl they can last from 15 minutes to 2 hours depending on the instruments used. Remote sites usually display the instrument video on video projectors for class use with two-way audio. 主机站点技术人员随时可以协助解释学生正在查看的内容,并更改样本以进行额外查看.

微与纳米技术会议 在北西雅图学院举行, RAIN领导团队同时连接到六个网络主机站点,以向会议与会者展示网络功能和可用工具. 到2016年超过1,700 remote sessions were conducted by RAIN host sites to remote sites in most of the U.S. 和波多黎各. Additionally, international sessions were conducted to Turkey, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. 更多的 than a quarter of the remote sites had 25 or more student participants. Two-year colleges accounted for 37% of the participants, 其次是高中,占30%, 四年制大学为17%. 超过一半的远程站点已经在教授某种类型的纳米技术课程,但是缺乏当地使用这些仪器的途径. 最需要的仪器是电子显微镜工具,大多数回答表明,进行远程会议的主要原因是教学生基本使用设备和更多地了解纳米技术领域. 85%的远程现场教师表示,如果没有RAIN网络,他们的学生不可能有这种体验, and more than 97% stated that they would like to conduct additional remote access sessions.


伊利社区学院 is just completing a new 纳米技术研究中心 在纽约的威廉斯维尔. 新设施将容纳1人,600 square foot ISO 7 cleanroom for nanotechnology experiments, 制造, 以及纳米材料的分析. In order to significantly increase our streaming capabilities, 12个高清晰度PTZ摄像机安装在整个洁净室,用于世界任何地方的流式实验室演示. 网络连接可以在每个工作站将我们的仪器连接到RAIN网络,以托管远程会话. 目前,我们每周最多托管四次远程会话,我们希望在不久的将来大大增加我们的连接.

RAIN正在成长为一个庞大的国家和国际教育机构网络,为未来的梦想家和企业家提供领先的纳米技术教育. 所有的RAIN网络合作伙伴都渴望分享我们的技术,并将更多的主机和远程站点带入网络.

For more 信息 and to schedule a remote session please contact the 雨网络. 在 website you will find introductory videos, 关于可用工具的信息, 合作伙伴网站信息, 一些纳米级图像的画廊, 还有季刊 纳米线 通讯.

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