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MPEG LA,组织持有MPEG-2和H.264 patent pools, has 问题d a request for patents surrounding 谷歌's WebM VP8 codec.

MPEG LA announced a call for "patents essential to the VP8 video codec specification used to deliver video images" that constitutes the video portion of the WebM open-source video specification found at webmproject.org.

为了参与创造, 并确定许可条款, 联合VP8专利许可,MPEG LA在一份新闻稿中指出, "any party that believes it has patents that are essential to the VP8 video codec specification is invited to submit them for a determination of their essentiality by MPEG LA's patent evaluators.

MPEG LA has set an initial submission date of March 18, 2011. 期限很短, 大约一个月后, only addresses 问题d patents and at least one "essential patent" is necessary to participate.

Essential patents are those that a patent owner feels are essential to the specification, 如webmproject所列.org.

早在2010年6月,我们就解决了 问题 谷歌的bsd类许可证, in which developers that use the open-sourced version of VP8 agree to indemnify 谷歌 from any infringement claim.  The company has since then modified its license to match more closely to the BSD format, but the new version still retains the requirement to indemnify 谷歌.

同时, MPEG LA表示对VP8的专利池感兴趣, but didn't move on patent pool formation for almost nine months.

In a June 2010 Digital Daily article by John Paczkowski, titled "谷歌's 'Royalty-Free' WebM Video May Not Be Royalty-Free for Long," MPEG LA CEO Larry Horn stated that "uncertainties in 谷歌's licensing" may be of concern to developers.

"In view of the marketplace uncertainties regarding patent licensing needs for such technologies,霍恩说。, MPEG LA的首席执行官, "there have been expressions of interest from the market urging us to facilitate formation of licenses that would address the market's need for a convenient one-stop marketplace alternative to negotiating separate licenses with individual patent holders in accessing essential patent rights for VP8 as well as other codecs, 我们正在研究这样做的前景."

Timing on the most recent news around MPEG LA's new patent pool organization comes hot on the heels of 谷歌's announcement to drop H.264原生支持Chrome浏览器. It also follows 微软's recent emphasis on supporting H.Chrome中的264 via a plug-in, a topic covered in another recent StreamingMedia article.

回到六月, we mentioned that 谷歌's failure to address patent indemnification-or to at least release 信息 about its findings on the patents efficacy-could play into the hands of a patent pool.

In 2011, 然而, the company's still holding the stance that open-sourcing VP8 is all it needs to do, calling MPEG LA's patent pool formation announcement old news.

"MPEG LA has alluded to a VP8 pool since WebM launched-this is nothing new,谷歌在一封电子邮件声明中写道 寄存器 上周晚些时候. "The vast majority of the industry supports free and open development, and we're in the process of forming a broad coalition of hardware and software companies who commit to not assert any IP claims against WebM. We are firmly committed to the project and establishing an open codec for HTML5 video."

HTML5视频, 谷歌的意思是HTML视频标签, as the term HTML5 is no longer valid according to its own employee, Ian Hickson, who recently stated "HTML is the new HTML5" on his blog post. Hickson is editor of the new HTML specification that contains the HTML video tag meant to eliminate reliance on plug-ins for video playback in a number of browsers.

MPEG LA,无论是虚伪的还是认真的,都告诉了我们 寄存器 它希望减少VP8的诉讼可能性.

"Patent owners are the ones who decide whether to enforce patents," the organization stated. "MPEG LA facilitates creation of a pool license that would reduce that likelihood. 如果是有利的, the availability of such license would help avoid the infringement actions by giving users the opportunity to be licensed under essential patents."



MPEG LA says that 12 patent holders have stepped forward with patents they believe are essential to the VP8 standard. 专利池许可可能是下一个目标.

WebM Project Spurs Development with Cross-License Initiative

17 founding members agree to ensure open WebM development by licensing essential patents.


谷歌 says that its acquisition of Nortel's patents is a defensive move, 但如果它利用专利扼杀创新, 那么谷歌就有可能变成它声称厌恶的样子




HTML5和HTML5视频的解释, 包括历史, 专利问题, 以及苹果目前的使用情况, 微软, 谷歌, Adobe, 和其他人.

MPEG LA和WebM:专利巨魔的权力!——《制作人的观点

MPEG LA's call for patents could do serious damage to the WebM format and lead to the industry standardizing on H.264. 让我们希望!


专家们抨击谷歌放弃H.在Chrome浏览器中支持WebM,支持264. 但是如果全h.264世界并不像人们说的那样美好?

谷歌拒绝H.Chrome中的264 Means a Unified HTML5 Video Tag is Now a Pipe Dream

谷歌试图澄清其放弃H的决定.264 from Chrome in favor of WebM creates even more questions than it answers

谷歌's WebM Strategy: Open-Source Approved or Patent Exposure Minefield?

谷歌 seems more concerned with modifying its WebM FAQ than it is with helping the online video world understand the practical and financial benefits of an open-source competitor to H.264.