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8K: History Repeats Itself

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8K超高清内容成为主流是不可避免的,现在关于它的讨论总是对12K的内容持乐观态度, 16K, and beyond.

"8K is beginning to take hold," Nick Ryan, head of product marketing for MainConcept, said on a MainConcept-hosted webinar. “我们很容易过于关注技术障碍,但我们需要记住,很久以前4K的概念是可怕的. Now the industry has accepted it as a gamechanger. 毫无疑问,我们会对16K抱有同样的担忧,并将8K视为游戏规则的改变者."

8K production is just about cracked, 由于新的压缩和处理技术,分布问题也得到了解决.

Chris Chinnock, executive director of the 8K Association, ticked off the expanding 8K ecosystem. 这包括所有主要品牌的旗舰8K电视和支持8K播放的下一代游戏机(即使最初可能没有很多8K游戏)。.  YouTube and Vimeo host thousands of 8K clips, mostly short form or wildlife, which is seeding 8K the same way 4K did. Production workflows for 8K are understood to be similar to 2K and 4K.

"There are some pain points," Chinnock said. “你需要更多的处理能力、内存和存储,而传输总是一个问题. But guess what? Those were the exact same issues as we experienced with 4K. 最重要的是,8K生态系统看起来与七年前的4K类似. We'll see history repeating for 8K."

Japan's NHK has been broadcasting 8K since December 2018, 以80Mbps到100Mbps的速度用HEVC编码,用光了整个卫星转发器.

Chinnock说:“他们已经证明了这是可以做到的,但在商业上还不可行。. "We will have to move to bandwidths that are more mainstream. 20Mbps to 30Mbps up to 50Mbps is reasonable for deployment."

Fortunately, this is achievable thanks to new codecs including HEVC, VVC, EVC, LCEVC and AVS3 from China, as well as "smart streaming."

Chinnock explained, “智能流媒体旨在鼓励内容以8K为主,然后巧妙地缩小到带有某种元数据的4K分辨率包, distributed in 4K, and smartly upscaled to 8K on reception. Ideally the image quality will be close to native full 8K. That is what the 8K Association would like to see implemented. There are positive developments, but it needs nurturing."


MainConcept将LCEVC选为当前最有趣的编解码器. The standard, which is shortly to be ratified by MPEG, 是否与其他主要基线编解码器兼容,并能立即节省带宽.

V-Nova总部位于英国的LCEVC技术开发商是MainConcept的合作伙伴. Ryan分享了V-Nova的初步测试数据,展示了如何在lcevc增强的HEVC/H中编码8K文件.265 delivered bitrate reductions of 45% giving a VMAF score of 90.

“对于VMAF分数为95分,仍然有非常显著的比特率降低,”Ryan说. "This just one 8K test but we see this as very promising data. We will continue to work to integrate LCEVC into the MainConcept SDK." 

He argued that HEVC/H.265是目前最适合8K的,因为市场上有数十亿台设备支持HEVC播放.

MainConcept声称自己的HEVC软件编码算法比其开源等效算法效率高20%.  "When you think of the large data for 8K, any saving in file size has a very large impact," Ryan said. 该软件还允许8K直播流120 fps 4:2:2 10位数字标牌以及广播应用.

MainConcept还标记了所谓的混合GPU加速,作为进一步提高8K流效率的方法. “这可以让你在最好的软件和硬件编码拨号,以加快整个过程高达2.5x," Ryan said. "For 8K, 这将节省时间,也使像存档和实时编码这样的事情变得更现实,更具成本效益."

To back that up, MainConcept声称,使用其混合GPU技术和英特尔处理器的基本硬件组合来设置8K实时编码的成本, Nvidia GPUs, and AJA capture card will set you back $8,000 off-the-shelf. 如果不使用混合GPU,而是运行多个cpu和高端至强白金处理器,成本将增加一倍以上, it said.

"The takeaway I have is that it is unsafe for studios, 内容供应商和支持他们基于当前技术水平构建工作流和技术堆栈的技术供应商," Ryan said. “你真的需要灵活地适应未来,而不必彻底改变你的生产管道."

Content Resilience

Speaking for Samsung, Des Carey, the firm's head of cinematic innovation, 他说,8K捕捉是工作室现在能够保证其内容未来发展的最佳方式.

“在很长一段时间里,胶片是档案的黄金标准. 现在,我们第一次能够以比35mm高得多的分辨率进行捕捉(他把35mm放在5.6K). In saying that, embracing change can be difficult."

“从历史上看,我们行业最大的变化来自于推动创新创造内容的独立电影制作人. 如今,越来越多的独立电影制作人在拍摄比工作室项目更高的分辨率."

He added, "Remastering a film from 35mm is time consuming, costly and can add artefacts and scratches. With 8K data it is easier to get back to what you initially shot.

"With 8K data we have option to conform at 2K, 4K或8K,随着人工智能升级变得更加强大,我们将看到好莱坞大片以更高的分辨率拍摄."

An example is Jurassic World: Dominion, currently shooting on 35mm and in 8K on Panavision cameras.

“到2020年,即使最终输出是4K DCP, 90%的大型视觉特效节目也会使用2K. 在三星,当谈到显示器时,我们专注于人工智能升级方面. 我们希望与视觉特效供应商合作,使处理变得更加稳健,视觉特效将能够在更高的rez下周转.

“我们希望与电子游戏开发商合作,这样他们就不再需要为了帧率而牺牲分辨率. We are trying to find ways of keeping both of those aspirations intact."

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